~..She walks with the night and her train of stars
Cradled by the arms of her sister
She is serenaded by her brothers below..~
- Shewolfe



Wolf Pup Drawing based on Robert Bateman sketch Wolf Pup Drawing based on Robert Bateman sketch


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I've decided to simplify my page..
..So here goes!


03/23/06: Update! I haven't updated this site in four years but it's age reaches back much further than that. I am amazed that people still find it and continue to visit it. Therefore, I'd like to keep it going but also redirect you to my new site with my new work. Please come visit me at the following: dionycook.com.




Die grossen blauen Pferde Drei Tiere (Hund, Fuchs und Katze) Mit Haus, Hund und Rind I Das Schaf Liegender Hund im Schnee
Examples of Franz Marc's works
German Expressionist
Reh im Walde II Der Stier Katzen auf Rotem Tuch Blauschwarzer Fuchs Blaues Pferd


For Franz Marc, animals represented a spiritual attitude..

"People with their lack of piety, especially men, never touched my true feelings.
But animals with their virginal sense of life awakened all that is good in me."



Battle Angel Alita
Battle Angel Alita


Shewolfe's Den Links and More


howling wolfe
Wolf Moon
"The wolf I wrestle by the ears is me."
The wolf you wrestle by the ears is me.
The wolf invisible in you is you.
The Wolf that rises up to me is true.
-Joe Wrobel


howling wolfe


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It looks likewolfie visitors have padded their way through my lil' Den.


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Site created by DIONY .aka. Shewolfe.
Last revised 01/07/02.